Complementry Design and Fabrication of a Strip Twin Roll Continuous Casting Machine for Al Alloys

نوع: Type: thesis

مقطع: Segment: masters

عنوان: Title: Complementry Design and Fabrication of a Strip Twin Roll Continuous Casting Machine for Al Alloys

ارائه دهنده: Provider: Mohammad Reza Ataiy far

اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: Faramarz Fereshteh Saniee

اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors:

اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: Abbas Pak, Hashem Mazaheri

زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: 2024

مکان ارائه: Place of presentation: کلاس مهندس خانمحمدی

چکیده: Abstract: Abstract: Continuous casting is one of the most common methods for producing raw materials or semi-finished products. Due to its inherent advantages such as low production costs, high production rates, high casting capacity, minimized waste, reduced energy consumption and investment costs, and improved product quality compared to traditional casting, this method has expanded and become widespread over the past century. The primary objective of this thesis is to design and fabrication a device capable of melting aluminum raw materials, with or without additional alloying elements, and converting them into sheets. To achieve this, the raw materials must first be melted in a furnace and maintained there until reaching the desired temperature. After achieving uniformity in the molten material by using a stirrer, the melted material is released from the furnace’s outlet and directed through a preheated pipe and tundish to the space between roll casting zone. Once the heat of the molten material is transferred to the rolls and the material solidifies, the sheet is rolled out from between the roll gap using a gearbox motor. In this research, an overview of various continuous casting methods was conducted, highlighting the most significant techniques in ingot and plate continuous casting. Additionally, the advantages of twin roll casting (TRC) over ingot casting were discussed, and several capabilities of TRC for developing industrial materials using efficient and cost-effective methods were presented. Moreover, after examining the properties of magnesium, the possibility of casting alloys of this metal using the present research device was suggested. Furthermore, a detailed investigation into the defects in horizontal twin roll casting (HTRC), including surface bleeding, centerline segregation, inverse segregation, and intergranular segregation, as well as solutions for addressing these issues, was provided. In addition to simulating HTRC and analyzing heat transfer in the roll casting zone (RCZ), the Experimental casting speeds from previous studies were collected and compared with the simulation results. Some of the critical parts of the device, which had previously been analytically solved by the author and Najafi Erfan using simplified assumptions, were numerically simulated for stress analysis using SolidWorks software. Subsequently, the design of several auxiliary parts that necessary for operating the device was undertaken. The later stages of this research were dedicated to the fabrication and assembly of the device. The fabrication process of all components, from raw material to the final part, was described. Fabrication complexities, the machines used such as lathes, milling machines, drills, magnetic grinders, wire EDM, rectifier welding machines, etc. and brief details of working with these machines were also mentioned. Finally, the process of assembling the components to complete the horizontal twin roll continuous casting device was briefly outlined.