Bu-Ali Sina University ranked among the top 1% universities of the world + Details

13 12 2020 06:56
کد خبر : 3798145
تعداد بازدید : 390

As announced by Islamic World Science Citation Database;

Bu-Ali Sina University ranked among the top 1% universities of the world + Details


As reported by BASNA, Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehqani, President of Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) said: Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database belonging to Clarivate Analytics (ISI) publishes and regularly updates the latest list of the top 1 percent institutions of the world that have received the highest number of citations in the past 10 years. These universities and research centers have been ranked among the top 1 percent institutions in terms of the number of citations received. Citations are an indicator of the quality of scientific productions in the academic world. Therefore, the reason for the increase in the number of these centers in the ranking is the increase in the quality of research in the country.

"According to a review of the latest update, 74 universities and research centers from Islamic Republic of Iran are ranked among the top 1 percent universities of the world that have had the highest impact", he added.

As noted by Dr. Dehqani, last year the number of top universities of the country was 65; thus, in comparison with last year, the number of Iranian universities in the top 1 percent has increased by 14 percent.

"Although citations are not without disadvantages, they are one of the most important indicators of the extent to which the research has been used. Currently, citation is the most important indicator in scientific evaluations at international level".

In the Science and Technology Policy Act communicated by the great leader of the country, the science and technology authority at international level has been stressed upon in the first article. Being authoritative means being a point of reference and in one way citation can be an indicator of the extent to which the generated knowledge has been used by other researchers.

Dr. Dehqani stated: "in 2015, a survey of the Essential Science Indicators database showed that 30 universities and research centers from Islamic Republic of Iran were ranked among the top 1 percent of the world. In 2016, with the increase in the quality of scientific productions of the country this number rose to 35. In February 2018, this number reached 53. In order to choose the universities with the highest impact, all of the universities and research centers of the world are identified and sorted by the extent of their impact and in the next step the top 1 percent of them which have had the most impact are selected and announced.

President of ISC noted: "we are proud to observe that in the latest update in December 2020, 74 universities and research centers from Iran are among the top 1 percent universities of the world with the highest impact. Thus, in comparison with last year, when this number was 65, the number of Iranian universities and research centers among the top 1 percent of the world has increased by 14 percent, and in comparison with 2015 by 147 percent".

"Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University, Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Kurdistan University, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah University of Technology, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, and Urmia University of Medical Sciences have been added to the top 1 percent most cited universities of the world ranking", he added.

Dr. Dehqani observed: "among the universities and research centers of the country, 30 comprehensive universities, 26 universities of medical sciences, 12 universities of technology, and 6 research centers are ranked among the institutions with the highest impact".

"Among comprehensive universities, universities of Urmia, Isfahan,Alzahra, Islamic Azad University, Bu-Ali Sina, Imam Khomeini International, Payame Noor, Tabriz, Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Khalij Fars, Razi, Zanjan, Semnan, Sistan Balouchestan, Shahed, Shahrekord, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Ahvaz Shahid Chamran, Azerbaijan Shahid Madani, Shiraz, Gogran University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Frdowsi University of Mashhad, Kashan, Guilan, Mazandaran, Mohaghegh Ardabili, Yasouj and Yazd are among the top 1 percent of the world".

"Among universities of Medical Sciences, universities of Arak, Urmia, Isfahan, Alborz, Iran, Babol, Baqiatollah, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tabriz, Tehran, Ahvaz Jondi Shapour, Zahedan, Shahid Beheshti, Shiraz, Qazvin, Qom, Kashan, Kurdistan, Kerman, Kermanshah, Golestan, Guilan, Mazandaran, Maraqe, Mashhad, and Hamedan are among the top 1 percent most cited of the world".

"Among universities of technology, universities of K. N. Toosi, Petroleum University of Technology, Isfahan, Amir Kabir, Sahand, Shahroud, Sharif, Shiraz, Kermanshah, Malek Ashtar, Babol Noshirvani, and Iran University of Science and Technology are among the top 1 percent of the world".

"Also, among the research centers, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, The Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Sina Trauma Research Center, Pasteur Institute of Iran, and research centers established in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education are among the top 1 percent of the world".

Dr. Dehqani stated: "Clarivate Analytics (ISI) has offered the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database. The data from around the world from the past 10 years are stored and processed in this database. One of the items stored in this database is the top 1 percent most cited institutes of the world. These are mostly universities and research centers whose publications have received the most citations. The number of institutions in this database is 6888".

"Approximately 1.1 percent of these top 1 percent most cited universities and research centers belong to Islamic Republic of Iran, which is the highest number among Islamic countries after Turkey. Turkey is on the 13th rank in the world with 111 universities and research centers while Iran is on the 18th. After Iran the next Islamic country is Egypt with 26 universities and research centers on the 33rd rank. Saudi Arabia with 23 universities is 38th, Malaysia with 21 universities is 41st, Pakistan with 19 universities is 43rd, Tunisia with 16 universities is 46th, and Indonesia with 14 universities is 48th in the world".

He stipulated: "in terms of number, most of the Iranian universities and research institutes have been in Engineering fields, the number of which is 43. 33 Iranian universities and research centers in the field of Clinical Medicine are among the top 1% most cited of the world. In the field of Chemistry 28 universities and research institutes are among the most impactful institutes of the world. Iran also has 14 universities and institutes among the top 1% in each of the fields of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Materials Sciences, and Agricultural Sciences. Fields of Plant and Animal Sciences, Social Sciences, Computer Sciences, Biology and Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences and Ecology are in the next ranks with 6 to 8 institutes in each field. Fields of Physics, Geology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Immunology, Mathematics, and Microbiology are in the next ranks each with 1 to 4 institutes".

Dr. Dehqani concluded: "International authority in science and technology is not achieved with mere reliance on the quantity of scientific production. Steps towards improving the quality of research, expanding international scientific interactions, and turning science into wealth and power are some of the other aspects in the agenda of the policymakers of science and technology of the country so that the scientific developments of the country continue to grow and progress multilaterally and rapidly.


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