Public relations of Bu-Ali Sina University ranked third among universities of the country in social responsibility

13 07 2020 04:56
کد خبر : 3798273
تعداد بازدید : 162

In competition with 102 universities, research centers, science and technology parks, and institutions and centers affiliated to the Ministry of Science and Technology;

Public relations of Bu-Ali Sina University ranked third among universities of the country in social responsibility


As reported by BASNA and according to the Ministry of Science, in this year's fair, in order to create a fair competition and ensure justice in evaluation and judgment based on the instructions of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the universities of the country were divided into groups A, B, C, and D and in each group first, second and third ranks were announced in the three general categories. Also, a fifth group was allocated to research centers and Science and Technology parks with consideration of the type and nature of activities and members competed in this category as well. The categories of this fair include three general categories, namely "communication and contact with the media", "advertisement and publications in line with implement of green management", and "electronic public relations", and two special categories namely "green management and optimal usage of resources", and "social responsibility".

In group A, in the "communication and contact with the media" category, University of Tehran ranked first, Allame Tabatabaei University ranked second, and Technical and Vocational University ranked third. In the "advertisement and publications in line with implement of green management" category Isfahan University of Technology ranked first, Shiraz University ranked second, and Tabriz University ranked third. In the "electronic public relations" category, Isfahan University of Technology, K. N. Toosi University, and Tarbiat Modares University ranked first, second, and third respectively.

In group B, in the "communication and contact with the media" category, Semnan University ranked first, Birjand University ranked second, and Kashan University ranked third. In the "advertisement and publications in line with implement of green management" category, Guilan University ranked first, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences ranked second, and Al-Zahra University ranked third. In the "electronic public relations" category, Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University, Al-Zahra University, and Guilan University ranked first, second, and third respectively.

In group C, in the "communication and contact with the media" category, Hakim Sabzevari University ranked first, Imam Khomeini International University ranked second and Maraqe University ranked third.  In the "advertisement and publications in line with implement of green management" category, Tabriz Islamic Art University ranked first, Imam Khomeini International University ranked second, and Tafresh University ranked third. In the "electronic public relations" category, Shahrekord University, Hakim Sabzevari University and Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University ranked first, second and third respectively.

In group D, in the "communication and contact with the media" category Kosar University of Bojnord ranked first and Kashmar University ranked second. In the "advertisement and publications in line with implement of green management" category, Kosar University of Bojnord ranked first, and Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University ranked second. Also, in the "electronic public relations" category, Bozorgmehr University of Qayen was recognized as praiseworthy.

In the fifth group which included research centers and science and technology parks, in the "communication and contact with the media" category, Yazd Science and Technology Park ranked first, West Azerbaijan Science and Technology Park ranked second and Science and Technology Museum ranked third. In the "advertisement and publications in line with implement of green management" category, Science and Technology Park of Mazandaran ranked first and Science and Technology Museum ranked second. In the "electronic public relations" category, Science and Technology Parks of Kurdistan, Fars, and Khorasan ranked first, second, and third respectively.

Also, in the special categories of this year's fair which included "green management and optimal usage of resources" and "social responsibility" categories, in the former category, University of Isfahan ranked first, Razi University of Kermanshah ranked second and Mazandaran University ranked third. In the "social responsibility" category, Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University ranked first, Allame Tabatabei University ranked second, and Bu-Ali Sina University ranked third.  


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