Farhad Ghafouri-Kesbi

Associate Professor

Update: 2024-07-04

Farhad Ghafouri-Kesbi

Faculty of Agriculture / Department of Animal Sciences

Journal Paper

  1. "Autosomal and sex-linked genetic parameters for body weight gain and itsrelationship with efficiency-related traits in sheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Moradpasha Eskandarinasab
  2. "The effect of model structure on the model performance to fit milk production data in Isfahan Holstein cows"
    سجاد قلي زاده, Pouya Zamani, farhad ghafori kesbi
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. , pp.33-42, 2023
  3. "Comparing genomic prediction models for genomic selection of traits with additive and dominance genetic architecture"
    جواد خرمي, farhad ghafori kesbi, Ahmad Ahmadi
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. , pp.69-77, 2023
  4. "Genomic evaluation of threshold traits in different scenarios of threshold number using parametric and non-parametricstatistical methods"
    محمد قاسمي, farhad ghafori kesbi, Pouya Zamani
    JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Vol. , pp.109-116, 2023
  5. "Application of structural equation models for genetic evaluation of lifetimereproductive traits and age at first lambing in Moghani sheep"
    Morteza Jafaroghli, جواد خرمي, Arsalan Barazandeh, Morteza Mokhtari, farhad ghafori kesbi
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. , pp.1-6, 2022
  6. "Quantifying parent-of-origin variation in growthand reproductive traits of Kermani sheep"
    Arsalan Barazandeh, Zahra Roudbari, farhad ghafori kesbi, Mahmood Amiri Roudbar, Morteza Mokhtari
    JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Vol. , pp.391-396, 2022
  7. "Parental imprinting effects on growth traits andKleiber ratio in sheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Morteza Mokhtari, Mohsen Gholizadeh, Mahmood Amiri Roudbar, Mokhtar Ali Abbasi
    JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Vol. , pp.260-269, 2022
  8. "Genetic analysis of parent-of-origin effects on growth traits and yearlinggreasy fleece weight in Raeini Cashmere goat"
    Morteza Mokhtari, Ali Barazandeh, Zahra Roudbari, Javad Bahrampoor, farhad ghafori kesbi, Mahmood Amiri Roudbar
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. , pp.1-5, 2022
  9. "Accelerating imputation of missing genotypes using parallelcomputing"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    JOURNAL OF GENETICS, Vol. , pp.1-5, 2022
  10. "Relative contribution of Imprinting, X chromosome andLitter effects to phenotypic variation in economic traits ofsheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Pouya Zamani, Morteza Mokhtari
  11. "Sexual dimorphism in early body weight traits of Raeini Cashmere goat: sex-specific heritability and cross-sex correlations"
    Morteza Mokhtari, Arsalan Barazandeh, Zahra Roudbari, Najmeh Kargar Barzi, farhad ghafori kesbi
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. , pp.1-6, 2022
  12. "Assessing the performance of a novel method for genomic selection:rrBLUP-method6"
    زهرا احمدي, farhad ghafori kesbi, Pouya Zamani
    JOURNAL OF GENETICS, Vol. , 2021
  13. "Comparison of regression tree-based methods in genomic selection"
    سحر عاشوري بنائي, farhad ghafori kesbi, Ahmad Ahmadi
    JOURNAL OF GENETICS, Vol. , 2021
  14. "Estimation of the autosomal and sex-linked genetic parameters for growth rate and efficiency-related traits in Moghani sheep"
    Morteza Jafaroghli, Mohammad Soflaee Shahrbabak, farhad ghafori kesbi, Morteza Mokhtari
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. , pp.69-75, 2021
  15. "Different models for genetic evaluation of growth rate and efficiency-related traits in Iran-Black sheep"
    Ali Javanrooh, Hasan Baneh, farhad ghafori kesbi
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. , pp.67-74, 2021
  16. "Structural equation modeling for genetic analysis of body weight traits in Moghani sheep"
    Morteza Jafaroghli, Mohammad Soflaee Shahrbabak, farhad ghafori kesbi, Morteza Mokhtari
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. , pp.59-65, 2021
  17. "Genetic analysis of growth curve of Afshari lambs by legendrepolynomials-based random regression models"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Moradpasha Eskandarinasab
    Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. , pp.188-194, 2021
  18. "Genetic aspects of sexual size dimorphism in a synthesized breed of sheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Hasan Baneh
    Meta Gene, Vol. , pp.177-183, 2019
  19. "Autosomal and X-linked additive genetic effects on body weight, bodymeasurements and efficiency-related traits in sheep"
    Mokhtar Ali Abbasi, farhad ghafori kesbi
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. , pp.21-26, 2019
  20. "Heritability of relative growth rate and its relationship with growth-related traits in Afshari sheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Moradpasha Eskandarinasab
    Gene Reports, Vol. , pp.225-229, 2019
  21. "Random regression models to explore genetic variation and genetic variability in the growth curve of Baluchi lambs"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Mohsen Gholizadeh
    Meta Gene, Vol. , pp.195-201, 2018
  22. "Determination of the genetic and non-genetic variations in growth curve of Zandi lambs by random regression models"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, Vol. , pp.57-66, 2018
  23. "Investigating age-related changes in variability of body weight in sheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    Gene Reports, Vol. , pp.71-74, 2018
  24. "Genetic analysis of average daily gain in Baluchi sheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Mohsen Gholizadeh
    Meta Gene, Vol. , pp.119-123, 2017
  25. "Genetic and phenotypic aspects of growth rate and efficiency-relatedtraits in sheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Mohsen Gholizadeh
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. , pp.181-187, 2017
  26. "Inbreeding depression in growth traits of Baluchi sheep"
    Mohsen Gholizadeh, farhad ghafori kesbi
  27. "Predictive ability of Random Forests, Boosting, Support VectorMachines and Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Predictionin different scenarios of genomic evaluation"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Ghodratollah Rahimi Mianji, Mahmood Honarvar, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi
    Animal Production Science, Vol. , pp.229-236, 2016
  28. "Combination of B-Spline and Legendre functions in randomregression models to fit growth curve of Moghani sheep"
    Pouya Zamani, محمدرضا مرادي, Daryoush Alipour, farhad ghafori kesbi
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. , pp.115-122, 2016
  29. "Sex influence on genetic expressions of early growthin Afshari lambs"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, David R. Notter
    Archiv Tierzucht / Archives Animal Breeding, Vol. , pp.9-17, 2016
  30. "Estimation of genetic parameters for growth-related traits andevaluating the results of a 27-year selection program in Baluchi sheep"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Mohsen Gholizadeh
    SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, Vol. , pp.8-14, 2015
  31. "Relative growth rate in sheep: heritability and relationship withabsolute growth rate and body weight"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Ali Rafiei Tari
    Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. , pp.21-27, 2015
  32. "بررسي عملكرد روش ششم از رگرسيون ريج در ارزيابي ژنوميصفات آستانه دار با معماري ژنتيكي افزايشي و غالبيت"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    پژوهش های تولیدات دامی, Vol. , pp.102-113, 2024
  33. "بررسي ميزان تأثير اثرات ژنتيكي غالبيت بر صحت ارزيابي ژنومي"
    مسلم كريمي, farhad ghafori kesbi, Pouya Zamani
    پژوهش های تولیدات دامی, Vol. , pp.145-153, 2023
  34. "بازيابي ژنوتيپ هاي از دست رفته با استفاده از روش هوشمند K-نزديكترين همسايگي"
    فاطمه ونايي, farhad ghafori kesbi, Ahmad Ahmadi, Pouya Zamani
    پژوهش های تولیدات دامی, Vol. , pp.130-138, 2022
  35. "بررسي عملكرد الگوريتم هوشمند تجزيه مقدار تكين (SVD) در بازيابي ژنوتيپ هاي از دست رفته در سناريوهاي مختلف از تعداد نشانگر، اندازه جمعيت و فراواني آلل نادر"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Ali Goudarztalejerdi
    پژوهش های علوم دامی ایران, Vol. , pp.553-560, 2019
  36. "ارزيابي پسروي ناشي از هم خوني در صفات رشد و بازدهي مصرف خوراك در گوسفندان نژاد مغاني"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Pouya Zamani, Ahmad Ahmadi
    پژوهش های تولیدات دامی, Vol. , pp.63-70, 2018
  37. "تنظيم و كاربرد الگوريتم جنگل تصادفي در ارزيابي ژنومي"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Ghodratollah Rahimi Mianji, Mahmood Honarvar, Ardeshir Nejati Javaremi
    پژوهش های تولیدات دامی, Vol. , pp.178-185, 2016
  38. "برآورد مولفه هاي(كو)واريانس و روند ژنتيكي و فنوتيپي برخي صفات توليدمثلي در گوسفندان زل"
    Sima Savar Sofla, farhad ghafori kesbi
    تحقيقات كاربردي در علوم دامي, Vol. , pp.13-20, 2016

Conference Paper

  1. "تجزيه ارتباط ژنومي براي شمارش سلول هاي قرمز خون در گوسفندان لري- بختياري"
    سجاد قلي زاده, Pouya Zamani, Seyed ziaedin Mirhoseini, farhad ghafori kesbi
    13th National and 5th International Biotechnology Congress of the Iranian Biotechnology Society, 2023
  2. "بررسي تأثير محتوي نسبي اطلاعات جمعيت مرجع بر صحت ارزيابي ژنومي"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    13th National and 5th International Biotechnology Congress of the Iranian Biotechnology Society, 2023
  3. "اثر دو سويه تراكم نشانگري بر صحت ارزيابي ژنومي"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    13th National and 5th International Biotechnology Congress of the Iranian Biotechnology Society, 2023
  4. "اثر نوع كرنل بر كارايي روش ماشين بردار پشتيبان در ارزيابي ژنومي صفات با معماري ژنتيكي افزايشي و غالبيت"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    10th National and 2nd International Animal Science Congress of Iran, 2023
  5. "بررسي عوامل تاثيرگذار بر عملكرد پيش بيني ژنومي روش Boosting"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    10th National and 2nd International Animal Science Congress of Iran, 2023
  6. "مطالعه پيوستگي در سطح ژنوم براي تعداد ائوزينوفيل خون در گوسفندان لري بختياري"
    سجاد قلي زاده, Pouya Zamani, Seyed ziaedin Mirhoseini, farhad ghafori kesbi
    10th National and 2nd International Animal Science Congress of Iran, 2023
  7. "مطالعه ارتباط ژنومي براي تعداد ائوزينوفيل خون در گوسفندان لري بختياري"
    Pouya Zamani, Seyed ziaedin Mirhoseini, سجاد قلي زاده, farhad ghafori kesbi
    10th National and 2nd International Animal Science Congress of Iran, 2023
  8. "واكاوي ژنتيكي دو شكلي جنسي افزايش وزن روزانه پيش از شيرگيري در گوسفند كرماني"
    Morteza Mokhtari, Arsalan Barazandeh, Zahra Roudbari, Mohammad Soflaee Shahrbabak, Najmeh Kargar Barzi, farhad ghafori kesbi
    -, 2022
  9. "نقش اثرات آتوزومي و وابسته به جنس در ارزيابي ژنتيكي صفات رشد بز كركي رائيني"
    Morteza Mokhtari, Arsalan Barazandeh, Zahra Roudbari, Mohammad Soflaee Shahrbabak, Najmeh Kargar Barzi, farhad ghafori kesbi
    -, 2022
  10. "چالش ابرداده و پردازش موازي"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, مسلم كريمي
    9th Iranian & 1st International Animal Sciences congress, 2021
  11. "تخمين اثر محيط مشترك مادري براي برخي صفات رشد گوسفندان نژاد افشاري"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, مسلم كريمي
    9th Iranian & 1st International Animal Sciences congress, 2021
  12. "مقايسه اثر سطوح مختلف فلفل قرمز با رنگدانه سنتتيك بر رنگ زرده تخممرغ"
    zahra jahanbakhsh rad, sara Mirzaie Goudarzi, Abbas farahavar, farhad ghafori kesbi
    -, 2021
  13. "اثر منبع چربي و سطوح مختلف لسيتين بر صفات كيفي تخم مرغ در مرغهاي تخمگذار"
    حسين محمدي, sara Mirzaie Goudarzi, Ali asghar Saki, Abbas farahavar, farhad ghafori kesbi
    -, 2021
  14. "بررسي ژنتيكي دوشكلي جنسي در صفات رشد گوسفند ماكويي"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    -, 2021
  15. "ارزيابي عملكرد روش جنگل تصادفي در بازيابي ژنوتيپ هاي از دست رفته"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, فاطمه ونايي, Pouya Zamani, Ahmad Ahmadi
    -, 2021
  16. "بررسي تأثير تعداد آستانه بر صحت ارزيابي ژنومي صفات با توزيع گسسته با استفاده از ماشين بردار پشتيبان"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    8th Animal Science Congress, 2018
  17. "اثرات ژنتيكي كروموزومهاي اوتوزومي وكروموزوم X بر صفات ابعاد بدن گوسفندان ماكويي"
    farhad ghafori kesbi, Pouya Zamani, Ahmad Ahmadi
    8th Animal Science Congress, 2018
  18. "بررسي فراواني كدون ها در ژنوم هسته اي برخي حيوانات"
    Ahmad Ahmadi, زينب كافي, farhad ghafori kesbi
    The Seventh Congress on Animal Science of Iran, 2016
  19. "GBS جهت بازيابي ژنوتيپهاي از دست رفته در اطلاعات SVDI استفاده از الگوريتم هوشمند"
    farhad ghafori kesbi
    2nd International and 14th Iranian Genetics Congress, 2016
  20. "بررسي توزيع فراواني كدون ها در ژنوم ميتوكندريايي برخي حيوانات"
    Ahmad Ahmadi, زينب كافي, farhad ghafori kesbi
    -, 2015