فاطمه مساعد


Update: 2024-09-12

فاطمه مساعد

Faculty of Chemistry / Department of Chemistry and pure chemistry

Professional Service

  1. CTA 2023 → 2024
  2. Vice-doyen chargé de l'éducation à la faculté des sciences humaines 2023 → until now
  3. Head of Faculty of Management at Bu-Ali Sina University 2023 → until now
  4. Head of Department of Economics 2022 → 2024
  5. Head of the Public and International Relations Office of Seyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi University 2022 → 2023
  6. Vice President of the Commission for the Development of Quranic Research and Higher Education in the country 2022 → until now
  7. President of Sayyed Jamaleddin Asadabadi University 2022 → until now
  8. نماينده وزير در هيات امناي دانشگاه قرآن و حديث 2022 → until now
  9. Member of SAMT organization's policy council 2022 → until now
  10. Member of the Higher Education Development Counci 2022 → until now
  11. عضوت هيات ممميزه مشترك مراكز آموزشي و پژوهشي تهران و ديگر دانشگاه ها 2022 → until now
  12. عضو هيات اجرايي جذب دانشگاه تفرش 2022 → until now
  13. Vice President of Human Sciences Planning Commission 2022 → until now
  14. Membre du conseil d'administration d'AILLF 2022 → until now
  15. Vice-doyen chargé de l'éducation et des études complémentaires à la faculté des sciences humaines 2022 → 2023
  16. Vice-Chancellery for Education and Postgraduate affaires 2022 → 2024
  17. Working group for organizing and consolidating university real estate 2022 → 2024
  18. - 2022 → until now
  19. Vice-Chancellor of Social Culture of the University 2021 → until now
  20. Head of Mathematics Department 2021 → 2024
  21. Deputy Minister of Minister of Science, Research and Technology IN Human Sciences affiare 2021 → until now
  22. Head of the Center for the Development of Quran Research and Higher Education 2021 → until now
  23. Director of Research Affairs of University 2021 → 2022
  24. Member of the Higher Education Planning Council 2021 → until now
  25. Scientific Secretary of the First National Conference on Sports, Lifestyle and Public Participation 2021 → 2021
  26. Director of Applied Chemistry Department of Nahavand Higher Education Complex 2021 → 2023
  27. Head of Department 2021 → 2023
  28. Head of the University Monitoring and Evaluation Department 2020 → 2021
  29. Deputy Dean for Research Affairs 2020 → 2021
  30. Spokesperson of Iranian Political Science Association (Hamedan Branch) 2020 → until now
  31. Consultant Professor of Mathematical Scientific Association 2020 → 2021
  32. Consultant Professor of Political Science Student Association 2020 → until now
  33. The head of faculty of Food Science and Technology 2020 → 2022
  34. manager of electronic learning 2020 → 2024
  35. Directeur du département de français 2020 → 2021
  36. Head of the Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Education 2019 → 2021
  37. Head of Department 2019 → 2021
  38. Member of the University Entrepreneurship Council 2019 → 2021
  39. Secretary of symposium of University of Nahavand professors 2019 → 2021
  40. law 2019 → until now
  41. Consultant Professor of Mathematical Scientific Association 2019 → 2020
  42. Membre du conseil aux études de la faculté des sciences humaines 2019 → until now
  43. Head of Chemistry Laboratory of Nahavand University 2019 → 2021
  44. d 2019 → 2019
  45. m 2019 → 2021
  46. Head of Entrepreneurship and Industry Relations Department of University of Nahavand 2019 → 2021
  47. Deputy Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Art and Architecture 2019 → until now
  48. member of Management Development Steering Council 2019 → until now
  49. Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Studies 2018 → 2021
  50. ed 2018 → 2019
  51. The head of faculty of Food Science and Technology 2018 → 2020
  52. Directeur du département de français 2018 → 2020
  53. Vice Chancellor for Students and Culture of Nahavand University 2018 → 2020
  54. Head of Department of Computer 2018 → 2019
  55. - 2018 → 2022
  56. ِDean of the Faculty of Science 2018 → until now
  57. citizenship assistant of minister of science, research and technology 2018 → until now
  58. ------- 2017 → until now
  59. Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology Malayer University 2017 → 2019
  60. General director of inspection and ombudsman office of Ministry of science,research and technology. 2017 → until now
  61. Director of Theology Department 2017 → 2022
  62. Chancellor of Bu Ali Sina Univrsity 2017 → 2021
  63. Advisor Professor of Graphic Arts Association 2017 → 2018
  64. Managing Director of University of Nahavand Publications 2017 → 2023
  65. Consultant Professor of Mathematical Scientific Association 2017 → 2018
  66. Member 2017 → 2020
  67. ------ 2017 → 2019
  68. R 2017 → until now
  69. - 2017 → 2018
  70. Vice Chancellor for Education and Research of University of Nahavand 2017 → 2019
  71. Manager of group of free education 2016 → 2018
  72. ICT Manager 2016 → 2018
  73. Department head of Food Health and Quality Control 2016 → 2020
  74. Consultant Professor of Mathematical Scientific Association 2016 → 2017
  75. Head of physics Department 2016 → 2018
  76. Budgeting Manager 2016 → 2018
  77. Deputy of Hamedan Elite Foundation 2016 → 2018
  78. حسابرس منتخب ديوان محاسبات كشور 2016 → 2024
  79. ------- 2016 → until now
  80. دبير علمي و اجرايي همايش هاي مختلف در حوزه علوم انساني 2016 → until now
  81. Manger of Accounting Department in Bu-Ali sina University 2015 → 2022
  82. A 2015 → 2017
  83. Education Manager 2015 → 2016
  84. Dean of Faculty of Engineering 2015 → 2017
  85. ُDean of central library 2015 → 2016
  86. A 2015 → 2017
  87. ----- 2015 → 2019
  88. --- 2015 → until now
  89. Head of Student Counseling Center 2015 → 2022
  90. سردبيري و مدير مسولي فصلنامه هاي علمي - پژوهشي 2015 → until now
  91. Economic Advisor to the President of the University 2014 → 2021
  92. عضو و دبير كميته تخصصي زبان فرانسه شوراي بررسي متون و كتب علوم انساني 2014 → until now
  93. Director of Cultural Affairs of University of Nahavand 2014 → 2016
  94. President of Hamedan University of Technology 2014 → 2019
  95. A 2014 → 2017
  96. Member of the Tax Dispute Resolution Board 2014 → 2023
  97. Director of the Office of Talented and Gifted Students 2014 → until now
  98. Deputy of administrative and financial 2014 → 2017
  99. Legal consultant of Dean of University (Present minister of science) 2014 → 2017
  100. head of legal affairs of University 2014 → 2017
  101. a 2014 → 2017
  102. Director of Student-Cultural Affairs of University of Nahavand 2013 → 2014
  103. D 2013 → 2015
  104. D 2013 → 2015
  105. Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Humanities 2013 → 2015
  106. Head of Department 2013 → 2018
  107. Head of the department of Architecture 2012 → 2016
  108. Member of the audit committee 2012 → 2023
  109. D 2012 → 2013
  110. Educational manager, Faculty of Food Science and Technology 2012 → until now
  111. Director of the Department of Political Science 2011 → 2015
  112. Executive Manager, Advances in Cognitive Sciences Journal, at iricss, Tehran 2011 → 2012
  113. D 2011 → 2015
  114. Executive Manager, Society of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies at iricss, Tehran 2011 → 2012
  115. deputy of head of law Department 2011 → 2014
  116. - 2010 → 2017
  117. Interpreter of English to Farsi and vice versa at the international conference of World Philosophy Day-Tehran/Iran 2010 → until now
  118. Deputy of Faculty of Engineering 2010 → 2015
  119. A 2010 → 2015
  120. Head of the Department of Geology 2008 → 2014
  121. Head of Talent Guidance Office 2007 → 2014
  122. Certified Public Accountant 2007 → 2023
  123. Dean of the faculty- Art and architecture 2002 → 2014
  124. a 2002 → 2004
  125. Financial Manager 2000 → 2006
  126. Head of Department- Archaeology 1999 → 2001
  127. Manger of Accounting Department in payame nour University( seven region) 1998 → 2002
  128. Dean of Concrete and Structural Materials Research Lab. 1996 → until now
  129. Dean of Faculty of Engineering 1996 → 2002
  130. Auditor( Audit organization) 1995 → 1998
  131. Dean of Civil Eng., Department 1994 → 1996